Past Performances
January 2019
1/30 (8 pm) Orchestra Tour: (Sarah Brightman Hymn Tour) Hippodrome Theatre (12 North Eutaw St)-Baltimore, MD. Featuring Vincent Niclo and Narcis Iustin Ianău. Tickets required.
February 2019
2/6 (8 pm) Orchestra Tour: (Sarah Brightman Hymn Tour) Radio City Music Hall (1260 6th Ave)-NYC, NY. Featuring Vincent Niclo and Narcis Iustin Ianău. Tickets required.
2/9 (10 am) Wind Ensemble Concert: (Eastern Wind Symphony). Hofstra University (Shapiro Family Hall-1000 Fulton Ave)-Hempstead, NY. International Horn Society's Northeast Horn Workshop. Bernstein: Dances from West Side Story. Todd Nichols, conductor. Free.
2/12 (7 pm) Movie Theaters: (Josh Groban Bridges Tour with Idina Menzel) Madison Square Garden (4 Pennsylvania Plaza)-NYC, NY. With guest artist, Jennifer Nettles. Tickets required.
2/16 (4:15 pm) Flute Choir: Festival Flute Choir (Flute Society of Washington) Mid-Atlantic Flute Convention (Sheraton Reston Hotel-11810 Sunrise Valley Dr, Room 9/10)-Reston, VA. Dr. John Bailey, conductor. Convention registration required.
2/17 (12:45 pm) Wind and Wood: Music of the 20th Century Recital: (Flute Society of Washington) Mid-Atlantic Flute Convention (Sheraton Reston Hotel-11810 Sunrise Valley Dr, Room 4)-Reston, VA. Lish Lindsey, flute/alto flute and Greg Giannascoli, marimba. Convention registration required.
2/24 (4 pm) Orchestra Concert: (Capital Philharmonic Orchestra) Trenton War Memorial (Patriots Theater-1 Memorial Dr)-Trenton, NJ. Daniel Spalding, conductor. Tickets required.
March 2019
3/2 (11:50 am) Chamber Recital: (Flute/Marimba) West Chester University (Swope Hall-700 S. High St Room 320)-West Chester, PA. Flute Society of Greater Philadelphia Flute Fair. Piazzolla: Adios Nonino. Lish Lindsey, flute and Greg Giannascoli, marimba. Registration required.
3/2 (3:30 pm) Flute Choir Recital: (Centre Park Flutes) West Chester University (Swope Hall-700 S. High St)-West Chester, PA. Flute Society of Greater Philadelphia Flute Fair. Registration required.
3/2 (5:30 pm) Flute Choir Recital: (High School Honors Flute Choir) West Chester University (Swope Hall-700 S. High St)-West Chester, PA. Flute Society of Greater Philadelphia Flute Fair. Lish Lindsey, conductor. Registration required.
3/29 (7:30 pm) Chamber Recital: (NJCU Flute Choir) Bethany Lutheran Church (2015 JFK Blvd)-Jersey City, NJ. Amos: Animals, Boismortier: Concerto No. 2, Clarke: Walk Like This. Lish Lindsey, conductor. Free.
3/31 (4 pm) Gagaku "Glories of the Japanese Music Heritage XIV": (Columbia Gagaku Instrumental Ensemble of New York) Columbia University (Miller Theatre-116th St and Broadway)-NYC, NY. Hyōjō no netori and Etenraku, and others. Guest artists and mentors: MIYATA Mayumi (shō), NAKAMURA Hitomi (hichiriki), SASAMOTO Takeshi (ryūteki). Louise and Noriyuki Sasaki, directors. Free.
April 2019
4/3 (8 pm) Orchestra Tour: (Il Divo Timeless 15 Year Anniversary Tour) Merrill Auditorium (20 Myrtle St)-Portland, ME. Miguel Almaguer, music director. Tickets Required.
4/4 (8:30 pm) Orchestra Tour: (Il Divo Timeless 15 Year Anniversary Tour) Orpheum Theatre (1 Hamilton Pl)-Boston, MA. Miguel Almaguer, music director. Tickets Required.
4/6 (8:30 pm) Orchestra Tour: (Il Divo Timeless 15 Year Anniversary Tour) Beacon Theatre (2124 Broadway)-NYC, NY. Miguel Almaguer, music director. Tickets Required.
4/26 (8 pm) Wind Ensemble Concert: (Eastern Wind Symphony) Association of Concert Bands Conference (Hilton?)-Woodcliff Lakes, NJ. Broughton: Quaternity for Trombone and Band (Joseph Alessi, trombone). Curt Ebersole, guest conductor. Todd Nichols and Adam Warshafsky, conductors. Free.
4/27 (8 pm) Flute Ensemble Concert "Creature Feature": (Wilkes University Flute Ensemble) Wilkes University (Darte Center Main Stage-Corner of South St and River St)-Wilkes-Barre, PA. Flute ensemble concert and performance by Maria Mendoza, one of the second place winners of the Magalif International Concerto Competition. Lish Lindsey, conductor. free.
May 2019
5/4 (7:30 pm) Orchestra Concert: (Capital Philharmonic Orchestra) Trenton War Memorial (Patriots Theater-1 Memorial Dr)-Trenton, NJ. Mendelssohn: Violin Concerto, Respighi: Pines of Rome, Wagner: Rienzi Overture. Daniel Spalding, conductor. Tickets required.
5/11 (7:30 pm) Orchestra Concert "Shall We Dance": (Sinfonietta Nova) Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (177 Princeton Hightstown Rd)-Princeton Junction, NJ. Gould: Latin-American Symphonette, Lecuona: Malagueña, Marquez: Danzón No. 2, Piazzolla: Tangazo, Saint-Saeëns: Havanaise, Op. 83 and Gardel: Tango (Por Una Cabeza) (Denise Dillenback, violin). Hsiu-Wen Lee, conductor. Tickets required.
5/17 (8 pm) Queens New Music Festival "Constorium": (Random Access Music) Secret Theatre ()-Long Island City, Queens. Tower: Rising. Tickets required.
5/18 (8 pm) Orchestra Concert: (New York Repertory Orchestra) St. Mary the Virgin Church (145 W. 46th St)-NYC, NY. Haydn: Symphony No. 19 in G, Lalo: Symphonie Espagnole (Kristen Lee, violin), Shostakovich: October. David Leibowitz and Stephan Fillare, conductors. Donation ($15) suggested.
June 2019
6/29 (11 am) Gagaku Demonstration and Chamber Performance: Shobi College of Music (4 Chome-15-9 Hongo)-Bunkyo City, Tokyo, Japan. Private event.
6/30 (3:30 pm) Solo Recital: Kangeikan Hall and Gallery (3 Chome-39-14)-Ogikubo, Suginami City, Tokyo, Japan. Free.
July 2019
7/5 (12:55 pm) Gagaku Demonstration: Toyo Eiwa Junior High School/High School (5 Chome-14-40)-Roppongi, Minato City, Tokyo, Japan. Free.
7/9 (5:30 pm) Faculty Recital: (Summer Music in Tuscany) Teatro Comunale Arrichianti (Piazza XXIV Giugno, 25)-Sarteano, Siena, Italy. Dorff: Three Romances for Flute and Clarinet (Todd Groves, clarinet). Free.
7/11 (3:30 pm) Gagaku Demo: (Summer Music in Tuscany) Teatro (Conference Room)-Sarteano, Italy. Free.
7/12 (9 pm) Final Concert: (Summer Music in Tuscany) Teatro Comunale Arrichianti (Piazza XXIV Giugno, 25)-Sarteano, Siena, Italy. Free.
7/22 (8:30 am) Pneumo Pro Class: (Pocono Flute Society Flute Camp) East Stroudsburg University (Normal St-Fine and Performing Arts Center)-East Stroudsburg, PA. Registration required.
7/22 (6:30 pm) Pneumo Pro Class: (Pocono Flute Society Flute Camp) East Stroudsburg University (Normal St-Fine and Performing Arts Center)-East Stroudsburg, PA. Registration required.
7/24 (7:30 pm) Clinician Recital: (Pocono Flute Society Flute Camp) East Stroudsburg Presbyterian Church (55 Smith St)-East Stroudsburg, PA. Cueto: Fantasia Oriunda for Flute Quartet, Piazzolla: Adios Nonino (arr. Giannascoli) and Histoire du Tango (Greg Giannascoli, marimba). Free.
7/25 (8:30 am) The Tuning CD: (Pocono Flute Society Flute Camp) East Stroudsburg University (Normal St-Fine and Performing Arts Center)-East Stroudsburg, PA. Registration required.
7/26 (3:30 pm) Final Recital: (Pocono Flute Society Flute Camp) East Stroudsburg University (Normal St-Fine and Performing Arts Center)-East Stroudsburg, PA. Free.
August 2019
8/3 (8:45 am) Recital "Saturday Morning Morsel": (National Flute Association Annual Convention) Salt Palace Convention Center (90 South West Temple-Ballroom J)-Salt Lake City, UT. Loeb: Four Preludes for East Asian Pipes for Solo Piccolo, Scott: Shakuhachi Suite for Solo Flute. Registration required.
8/4 (2-5 pm) Recital "Breathing Peace-Music for a More Peaceful World": (Kyoshinan Shakuhachi Dojo) Tenri Cultural Institute (43 W. 13th St)-NYC, NY. Muramatsu: Earth (Ayako Morino, piano), Scott: Shakuhachi Suite for Solo Flute. Free (donation suggested to a non-profit of your choice or an act of volunteerism with a local organization supportive of a more peaceful world).
8/23 (9:30 am-4 pm) Orchestra: (Carter-Glennon International Conducting Masterclass) Stony Point Art Center ()-Stony Point, NY. Beethoven: Symphony No. 7. Registration required.
September 2019
9/15 (4 pm) Flute Choir: (New York Flute Club 100th Anniversary Celebration) Governors Island ()-NYC, NY. Conducting Mercury arr.Booth: Bohemian Rhapsody. Free.
October 2019
10/16 (7:30 pm) Flute Choir "Sounds of Brazil": (Chamber Recital) New Jersey City University (Ingalls Recital Hall)-Jersey City, NJ. Silva: Zinha for flute ensemble. Free.
10/19 (8 pm) Orchestra Concert: (Capital Philharmonic Orchestra) Trenton War Memorial (Patriots Theater-1 Memorial Dr)-Trenton, NJ. Holst: The Planets. Daniel Spalding, conductor. Tickets required.
10/20 (10:30 am) Competition Judging: (New Jersey Flute Society Flute Fair) New Jersey City University ()-Jersey City, NJ. Young Artist Competition judge. Registration required.
10/20 (12 pm) Faculty Recital: (New Jersey Flute Society Flute Fair) New Jersey City University ()-Jersey City, NJ. Albéniz: Tango from Espana, Dorff: Trees for solo flute and narrator (Daniel Dorff, narrator). Registration required.
10/25 (pm) Chamber Recital: (Tokyo to New York/Here and Now Concert Series) Bargemusic ()-Brooklyn, NYC. Tickets required.
10/31 (7:30 pm) Flute Choir NAFME Halloween Concert: (Chamber Recital) New Jersey City University (Ingalls Recital Hall)-Jersey City, NJ. Abreu: Tico-Tico for flute ensemble. Donations accepted.
November 2019
11/10 ( pm) Chamber Concert "State of Emergency": KGB Bar (85 E. 4th St)-NYC, NY. Galindo: Victor Caterina for soprano, flute, and piano. Tickets required.
11/17 (3:30 pm) Chamber Concert of the Musicians Club of NY: Scandinavia House (Victor Borge Hall-58 Park Ave)-NYC, NY. Mayer: Celebration Trio for flute (Lish), clarinet (Todd Groves), and piano (Nissa Kahle), Smith: Calamus Songs for baritone (Malcolm Merriweather), flute (Lish), and piano (Nissa Kahle). Tickets required.
11/20 (8 pm) Orchestra Tour: Il Divo
11/23 (8 pm) Orchestra Tour: Il Divo
11/26 (3 pm-4:45 pm) PA District Band Master class: (Masterclass) Pennsbury High School ()-PA. Faure: Fantasie. Private event.
December 2019
12/4 (7:30 pm) Hogaku and Gagaku Recital: Free.
12/13 (7:30 pm) Orchestra Concert "Sounds of the Season": (Lancaster Symphony) Franklin and Marshall College (Barshinger Center-College Ave)-Lancaster, PA. Tickets required.
12/14 (8 pm) Wind Ensemble Concert: (Eastern Wind Symphony) Manville High School (1100 Brooks Blvd)-Manville,NJ. Holiday concert with Manville High School Wind Ensemble. EWS principal players play side-by-side with Manville WE: Anderson: A Christmas Festival and Sleigh Ride, Manor: Bashana Haba'ah. Anderson: A Christmas Festival and Sleigh Ride, Lovrien: Minor Alterations "Christmas Through the Looking Glass" and Minor Alterations No. 2 "Carols from the Dark Side," Reed: Russian Christmas Music, Smith: Symphonic Prelude on Adeste Fidelis, Torme: The Christmas Song, Traditional: Fantasy on Coventry Carol, Wiley: Old Scottish Melody. Joseph Espineira (Manville HS), Todd Nichols and Adam Warshafsky, conductors. Tickets required.
12/15 (3 pm) Orchestra Concert "Sounds of the Season": (Lancaster Symphony) Franklin and Marshall College (Barshinger Center-College Ave)-Lancaster, PA. Tickets required.
12/18 (7:30 pm) Wind Ensemble: (QBand) Presbyterian Church of Shrewsbury ()-Shrewsbury, NJ. Eva Szakal, conductor. Free.
12/20 (10 am) Holiday Assembly: Ethical Culture Fieldston School (Ethical Culture Auditorium-)-NYC, NY. Private event.
12/29 () Orchestra Tour: (Classical Mystery Tour), Springfield, MA. Tickets required.
12/31 (8 pm) Orchestra Concert: (Capital Philharmonic Orchestra) Trenton War Memorial (Patriots Theater-1 Memorial Dr)-Trenton, NJ. New Year's Eve concert! Daniel Spalding, conductor. Tickets required.